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Python programming for Data Scientists: From Introductory concepts to Machine Learning Models


Python programming language is an open source programming language which can be used under different operating system. Python programming redefined the programming concepts with its important features like flexibility, adaptability and re-usability of codes. Python programming language has numerous libraries or modules which helps the programmer to save their time.
The book starts with the overview of basic Python topics such as data structures, data types, conditions and controls, functions, lists, file handling and handling external data sets and database connections.
The book also covers the topics in data science such as graphical and chart visualization, statistical modeling, text mining and machine learning algorithms. The book uses popular libraries of Python like matplotlib, sciket-learn and numpy, to perform graphical and machine learning related tasks. Users are encouraged to refer to the author’s book on “Machine Learning: An overview with the help of R software package” (ISBN- 978-1790122622) if they are familiar with R software package which is also an open source package
The book requires users to download the Python version 3.0 and any of the Integrated Development Environments (IDE) such as Liclipse, Wing,PyCharm and Eric.

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